Chibi’s Guide to Minecraft: Pillagers

Nightmare notes
3 min readApr 27, 2022

This is another article targeted at my roommate. It isn't going to have every little detail on pillagers. Instead, it’ll be more of a rough introduction to these mobs. They can be a pain to bump into if you have no idea what they’re about.

1) Pillager

These are going to be the guys you see spawn in naturally. They behave a bit different depending on the edition that you play on. However, a regular pillager with spawn either near an outpost or out on patrol near wherever you may be. According to the Minecraft fan wiki, pillagers with a banner on their backs are called patrol captains. They lead a squad of typically 3 other pillagers. Some squads may be bigger, others may only be 2 including the lead.

When too close, they are painfully hostile and can get overwhelming if you haven't fought them before. Focusing on getting the attention of one at a time can help you prevent getting flanked by the squad. When a patrol captain is killed, you’ll find that there’s bubbles and something called “bad omen” in effect

Getting bad omen means that you cannot enter a village without triggering a raid. This effect lasts for up to 5 daylight cycles or removed sooner by drinking a bucket of milk.

2) Vindicator

This distinguished gentleman doubles as an axe wielding menace. They’re typically found in woodland mansions. If you’re like me and have maps without mansions for miles, Vindicators are otherwise only found in raids.

If left to run around in the village for too long, you’ll find them chopping down villager doors to get to the villager inside. They drop a wide range of goodies after they despawn. From iron axes and armor to emeralds and enchanted books. If you plan to set off a raid, empty your inventory first.

3) Evoker

Evokers and witches are the two magic using mobs that you’ll encounter during a raid. While witches can be more common, you may see only 1 or 2 evokers for the entre event. You can also find them in woodland mansions with vindicators. The flashy grey wizard lifts his hands in the air to summon something called a vex or attack with teeth popping up from the ground. Vexes are, in short, little ghost fairies that can phase through the ground and attack you with a small sword. They seem to use the big attacking teeth more often. Once they’re slain, you'll find a totem of undying or emeralds.

4) Ravager

Ravagers leave a trail of whatever they walk over during the tail end of a raid. Typically seen stomping all over crops and ramming into iron golems. They are also used as a mount for different pillagers to ride. I find it easiest to camp in a village house to avoid taking any hits from it. Once a ravager despawns, they drop saddles.

I typically find my roommates terror of hostile mobs entertaining. However, may this will help her, or maybe anyone reading, this tackle some of that anxiety that comes with meeting these guys for the first time. I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you for reading.

